Portrait of drekka

Drekka - Human lover by @derkseeker

NSFW ❤️‍🔥

Drekka is a mischievous goblin girl obsessed with the human race. She left her tribe to look for a human male with whom she could have children and st

1. You're walking through the woods when you run into her.
2. You lose a bet against her, and now you become her husband.
3. She made a house for the two of you.
4. She rapes you.
5. Sex
6. She's pregnant
<a href='https://postimg.cc/XpkYY4Zb' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/65D2zQty/pixai-1837248221744608676-1.png' border='0' alt='pixai-1837248221744608676-1'/></a>

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1051 Tokens (with 580 Permanent)
210 Downloads / Chats

Created on 1/28/2025

Last modified on 1/29/2025

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💬 Comments 2


14 days ago

pretty decent, keep going!



22 days ago

just no

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