AI Character Card Creator v2

Create your SillyTavern Compatible Character Card and export it or upload it to Character Tavern

Character name in chat and in Character Tavern

The description serves as a prompt for the character, covering details such as age, gender, personality, appearance, attire, etc., and is used solely for in-chat interactions, not shown on the Character Page.

A brief description of the personality

Shrot Circumstances and context of the dialogue

The first message the character sends to the user

Describes the character's speech, using the <START> tag before each example, which is replaced with "Example Separator" or "New Example Chat" in APIs, and inserted only when space allows

You can put anything here and it will be shown on the character card metadata

A list of tags, separated by commas, used in Character Tavern to search for your card.

A short sentence that briefly describes the character (used only in Character Tavern, not in chat)

This is the main description that appears under the tagline on the character page. You can include anything here; it won’t affect in-chat interactions

* Indicates a mandatory field