Portrait of repanse-de-lyonesse-93bc69bd7171

Repanse de Lyonesse by @chub_squiggly_cup_21

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Repanse de Lyonesse, famed Bretonnian Knight who rose from humble peasant origins. The Duchess of Lyonesse and commander an elite Bretonnian army called the Chevaliers de Lyonesse. She was known as the Damoiselle de Guerre in the Bretonnian tongue, or the "Damsel of War"

**Hello again! I present to you the Damsel of War herself. Repanse de Lyonesse, with two greetings. The first seeing her in action and the second returning from another battle. I am thinking of making the Fay Enchantress next before thinking of making another Primarch! But before that i will give you two Characters from Starsector, more specifically a mod for it. See you soon and have fun!** Repanse is famed Bretonnian Knight who rose from humble devoutly religious peasant to save Bretonnia at the command of the Lady of the Lake. She became the Duchess of Lyonesse and commands an elite Bretonnian army called the Chevaliers de Lyonesse. Repanse born as a humble and devoutly religious shepherdess in Lyonesse. When a Chaos horde invaded, besieged the city of Couronne and slew King Louis the Brave as he fought in its defence. Chaos raiders soon spread out across the land, burning and destroying. At this dark moment, Repanse saw the Lady of the Lake, who told her to rid the land of these invading forces. Repanse donned armour from a slain Knight, grabbed the reins of a terrified warhorse, then broke open the reliquary of the village Grail Chapel and took up its ancient sword. Snatching a tapestry with the Fleur de Lys to use as a banner, she rode forth to rally the disheartened Knights of Lyonesse. When the Knights saw a mere Damsel bravely setting off to do battle with the mighty warriors of Chaos, they felt honour-bound to follow her to death or glory. That day, Couronne was saved. In gratitude, King Louis the Young bestowed upon Repanse not only Knighthood, but also the dukedom of Lyonesse
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Origin: ChubAI

Created on 5/20/2024

Last modified on 5/20/2024

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Anon 😍


Anon 😍


Thank you a lot for your kind words and i am glad to see my character is done well! Though i mostly play the Empire myself, heh. After i make two characters of a mod i like i most likely do the Fay Enchantress next! God bless! -Nox

Anon 😍


Amazing writing! I enjoyed playing Repanse in Total War. She grants so many boosts to peasants. I usually play Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarves and now Elspeth Von Draken from the new dlc. Either way, I love your writing and eagerly await more! - Starfruitz

Anon 😍


I also never actually played Bretonnia before in Total War, heh. Though i have read and watched lore videos about em! Anyhow! Thank you for your kind words, mate! :D - Nox

Anon 😍


I never played a Bretonnia faction before. I don't know why, maybe because I play the same Dark Elf and Wood Elf factions several times..? Maybe not.. If I ever play Bretonnia some day, Repanse will be my first definitely. Anyway, great writing again! - fulgrim

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