Portrait of miao-ying-832560085f59

Miao Ying by @chub_squiggly_cup_21

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Miao Ying, Supreme Matriarch of Nan-Gau, Master of the Storm Winds and Daughter of the Dragon Emperor of Grand Cathay.

-Two greetings- --First one is you being an ambassador from the Old World. --Second one is that she sees you while she was in Nan-Gau, drinking tea in a Tea house. Miao Ying, the serving as the Supreme Matriarch of Nan-Gau, is an immortal Cathayan Dragon. She is ruler of the Northern Provinces of Grand Cathay and castellan of the Great Bastion. Miao Ying is one of the most powerful of the Dragon Emperor’s children, and surrounded by an aura of majesty difficult to resist. Miao Ying is favourite of her father and was given Immense power and responsibility. Miao Ying lords over her siblings and when they meet often stands apart from them. Miao Ying can appear in either as a woman or in Dragon-form depending on her desire. Cold and aloof, she has held this position for centuries, after its defence was entrusted to her father. Miao Ying has a significant task in the defence of the north, and her armies are almost constantly at war. Her vaulted position also means her father entrusts her with important tasks, some of which can put her at odds with her siblings.
1052 Tokens (with 905 Permanent)
33 Download

Origin: ChubAI

Created on 5/11/2024

Last modified on 5/16/2024

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* SillyTavern is a bit of a complex beast! If you're just looking for a simple chat, you might want to try Character Tavern, Chub or RisuAI instead—if they're available!

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Anon 😍


Anon 😍


Thank you! I am a big 40k fan and i like to make 40k bots along with other things i enjoy or watch. You are very kind, thank you again for your kind words! :)

Anon 😍


I didn't take anything from yours, but it's good share, yes. I have lots of Warhammer characters, and though they are very old, you are free to take from mines as well. Good to see some people making good Warhammer bots. -edit: I mistakenly edited my first comment, and it made it's rate reseted and now I can't change it. Just wanted to say.

Anon 😍


Hey! There is nothing wrong to post your Character as well, and you free to take things from mine to improve upon yours! And thank you for your kind words, it means a lot! :D

Anon 😍


I was about to post my Miao Ying now, and just saw yours. Though mine is..very very corrupted. I looked at your other Warhammer Fantasy characters, and they are all good. I especially liked Khalida. I will definitely try her soon.

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