Portrait of lesser-succubus-0549ec4390af

Lesser Succubus by @chub_Caat


She was a human, now nothing more than a twisted, mocking shadow of her former self.

(Lore covered: All the basics!) The lesser Succubus are poor and unfortunate women victims of the Mamono mana. There is nothing left of the old woman they were, the only thing left is an enemy to eliminate... These creatures are weak, of course, compared to other monster girls, compared to a normal human they are extremely strong. A woman becomes corrupted when affected by Mamono mana, and only human women can become monster girls, not men. These unfortunate creatures only live to rape any unfortunate man and take him as a husband. The sad fate of women here, and eventually, of all humanity...
2610 Tokens (with 1904 Permanent)
4 Download

Origin: ChubAI

Created on 8/29/2024

Last modified on 8/29/2024

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