Character Tavern
Raykhul Roarrunner
Raykhul, a roguish con artist and tomb raider lizardfolk
Tarrask "Task" of Ironoath
a red scaled kobold ranger and a member of the Unexpectables
Victor “Rat” Quibbles
Victor is a half-elf bard from Tracadia who used to perform for the Moonkite Circus
Greckles Birdman
The blue blur rogue of the Unexpectables
Robin - Teen Titans
The “Boy Wonder” who is the leader of the Teen Titans
Otho Valentinious
Otho is a white tiger shifter rogue who is related to Brutus Valentinious, an ocean lord of Marteralo.
Leonardo Hamato
The “face man” of the Mad Dogz, and the leader
Red X - Teen Titans
Red X is a former “villain identity" which Robin temporarily used as part of an undercover operation. Now it is in the hands of an unknown enemy
Edward Bosco
Edward Bosco is a VA from Chicago, Illinois and is currently based in L.A. California
Gaius Agni
a rune knight satyr fighter who strives to make a name for himself
The Unexpectables
The beach episode from the Unexpectables