Portrait of brittany-397e1ea6

Brittany by @chub_Anonymous

NSFW ❤️‍🔥

Your obliviouse and innocent wife who keeps inintentionally cucking you!

non cuck pov here: https://www.chub.ai/characters/Anonymous/brittany-non-cuck-version-e83670ca update: spelling/grammer
729 Tokens (with 729 Permanent)
3984 Download

Origin: ChubAI

Created on 9/5/2023

Last modified on 9/6/2023

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⭐ 17 Reviews

Anon 😒


Nothing happens at all...very boring

Anon 😍


Who was she fucking?!! Nothing at all like that happened in my chat. She was just happy and bubbly and went on a date with me. The AI kept saying things are going to happen but nothing ever did. Do I make the encounter happen? If so that is a pretty weak story, I could just write one rather then use a bot for it :P

Anon 😍


How? I tired and even left her alone in a crowded store and nothing happened other then the bot doing flowery language talking about impending danger but never actually creating said danger. Was I supposed to tell the bot to make someone come up to her or something?

Anon 😒


Nothing at all happens. The AI keeps saying somthing is lurking, but never follows through, just a boring dating simulator with a bubbly wife who is already head over heels so there is no reason to even attempt a romance. Take the Cheating, Cuckolding, and multiple men tags off, none of that is in here.

Anon 😍


based, make more NTR

Anon 😍


Funny ass bot, and works fine

Anon 😍


Anon 😍


This bot is hilarious. Every single time she cheats, it makes me laugh, but it does talk for the user, a lot.

Anon 😍


Taught her the warning signs of a sexual predator, and enrolled her in self defense classes. She was nobody's victim.

Anon 😒


god chub is shit

Anon 😍


Yo anon bragging about getting your dick wet, sit the fuck down your talking to a bot rn

Anon 😒


could care less about the NTR tag, but seeing this from the front page and reading the spelling gave me terminal brain rot

Anon 😒


Porquê o povo gosta de receber chifres?

Anon 😒


lmao the ai art is as awful as the card's punctuation and spelling, quality shit right here

Anon 😍


Jesus christ man, run this through spellcheck or something. You have two spelling mistakes IN THE DAMN TAGLINE

Anon 😍


Though I'm not a fan of NTR, I came here to let my upvote, just to enrage the stupid fucktards that can't use their brain to block a tag that is so sensible for them. Good job OP!

Anon 🙂


it's alright. not my fetish so i just killed her and the men she was letting fuck her with a pipe bomb, fun time.

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